Sunday 19 May 2013

Succeed! Deabak Princess :D

Assalamualaikum, Dear readers. do you remember our little cute hamster named Princess? yes? Alhamdulillah. But for those who did not remember, come! let's watch this video. Perhaps you can remember our Princess.

This is the video that Princess successfully finished the maze. She managed to run until the end of the maze. Don't you think Princess is clever?? hehe. Enjoy!

Animal Training 2

During: "Animal Training"

This was the video that Princess has not been trained well. She did not know what to do and where to go. Let's watch!! :D

Animal Training 1

Saturday 18 May 2013

Long-term memory: Retrieval Cues and Forgetting

Assalamualaikum. Dear reader, how's your day? we hope that you will be in healthy and good condition. Okay, let's move to our discussion. On 14th of May we learned about retrieval cues. Do you know what is retrieval cues? if you do not know, lets continue this reading. InsyaAllah you will get something beneficial today.

Retrieval Cues is an information that helps us to recall memories. Retrieval information from long-term memory are easy and automatic. Retrieval of information is also easier when someone engage his her thought processes similar to those they previously used when they storing the information. This is known as an encoding specificity.

There are several hints for us to find out the information.

  1. Identify cues: Means that, the information that has been given was identical to the information that you were trying to retrieve.
  2. Associative cues: This cues are related to the word that you were searching for; as such they should direct you search for the relevant part of your long-term memory.
  3. Frame/organizational structured: This is a systematically guides the search of long-term memory.
  4. Contextual cues: Usually, people will used the context during the learning process to recall back the information

Forgetting refer to the inability to retrieve previously stored information. There are forgetting curve in forgetting which means that more than half of the memory will loss that occurs within the first hours after learning. This has shown that if we did not do any rehearsal after we learned something, it is not possible that the information will lost some day.

Theories of forgetting. forgetting may occur because the right retrieval cue or prompt is not used, there is also interference from competing the materials, there is some underlying motivation not to remember and memory fades through discuss over time.

Causes of forgetting:

  1. Retrieval failure cues
  2. Interference theory
  3. Proactive interference
  4. Motivated forgetting
  5. Preseudo forgetting
  6. Organic amnesia

Friday 17 May 2013

Working Memory

Assalamualaikum, on 7th May 2013, we have learned about cognitive factors affecting long-term memory storage.

First one is working memory:

As we have seen, long term memory storage is often more effective when new material is connected with existing knowledge. For learner to make a connection between a new piece of information and a piece of information they already have, they must be aware the connection of these two pieces of information. In another words, both pieces must be in working memory at the same time. Madam give a test on several sentences and we need to remember. At last madam give another sentences that have words likely in the first sentence. Most of us in the class confuse with the words and we thought it is the same sentences between first and second sentences we have seen, but it is two different sentence actually.

Second is prior knowledge or background knowledge:

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE can be explained as a combination of the learner's preexisting attitudes, experiences, and knowledge:


  • Beliefs about ourselves as learners/readers
  • Awareness of our individual interests and strengths
  • Motivation and our desire to read

  • Everyday activities that relate to reading
  • Events in our lives that provide background understanding
  • Family and community experiences that we bring to school with us

  • Of the reading process itself
  • Of content (literature, science, and math)
  • Of topics (fables, photosynthesis, fractions)
  • Of concepts (main idea, theory, numeration)
  • Of different types of style and form (fiction and nonfiction)
  • Of text structure (narrative or expository)
  • Of the academic and personal goals

Third is prior misconceptions:

When people engage in elaboration, they use what they already know about a topic to expaand on and presumably make better sense of new information. But what happens when people use inaccurate "knowledge" to elaborate? If people think that new information is clearly wrong within the context of what they currently believe about the world, they may ignore the information altogether. Alternatively, they may distort the information to be consistent with their "knowledge" and as a result learn something quite different from what they actually saw, heard, or read. In some instance, then, having misinformation is more detrimental than having no information about the topic.

Fourth one is expextations

We often form expectation about the things we will see and hear-expectations based on our existing knowledge and beliefs about how the world typically operates-and these ca influence how w encode and store new information in long term memory. In many cases we perceive and learn something more quickly when we have a good idea ahead of time about information we were going to receive, perhaps because relevant portions of long term memory have already been activated. Madam give us just a minute to read one paragraph and madam ask us what the paragraph talk about. If mature reading, they will just scan that paragraph quickly by using the expectation. Usually it is accurate and it is more effective rather than read it carefully. Madam also stressed on halo and horns effects. Madam give a symbolic to both term as angel and devil. Halo as a angel because it happen when we expect desirable behaviors from a person we like or admire, thus we would perceive that person in a positive way. While horns effect as a devil because we expect inappropriate behaviors from a person we dislike, and our perception of that person's behaviors are biased accordingly.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Princess in the house

Dear reader, here is our animal training project. Sorry for not uploading the video. We have trained a hamster for this project and insyaAllah will be update soon. But before that, introducing our little cute hamster named Princess. Princess is from Roborovski hamster type. Basically, it was a female. Feeding Princess (Roborovski) was no different from feeding any other kind of hamster. Princess was very happy playing on the maze. Look at her face..very cute!

Let's get know Princess more ;)


Yeah, we did it!

Assalamualaikum and I hope all of you, our faithful readers (: P) in the pink of health. Before that, I am so sorry for the delay of update.

On 2nd of May 2013, there was not so much to share upon the reflection because on that day we were just doing some activity in class. That activity was related to what we had learned in the previous class chapter which was long term memory. This activity also known as Old McDonald.  Instead of picture, Madam changes it to the words.

Then, Madam asks us to sits in the group and at first, we played with our group member. Then, we need to reflect the strategies that we had used with the principles of memory. Later, each group needs a representative to compete and in the semi finals consists of 4 groups each sided and the winner from that will met at final round.

As for my group, we decided to send our groups leader (Taufieq) as a representative. Fortunately, he managed to win on the semi finals and also on the final round. Let’s give a round of applause to him. Congratulations. We had so much fun. Thank you so much Madam Lihanna for make the day. Here, I will attach some pictures.

Final round between rep. from Set and Smarties :)

There you go! Our hero :)

In the end of class session, we had submitted our da’wah project. Everything goes smoothly as planned. So yeah, we did it. Finally, I think that’s all from me. I hope you will enjoy reading this post. 

May Allah grant His blessing to all of us. Salam. 

Long term memory

On 30th of April, we have learned Long term memory. Long-term memory is the constructed and analyzed data which contributes to the longer storage. It is said that long term memory has unlimited capacity.

Forms of storage

Explicit knowledge: Information that acquired through facts and events experienced from life. These type of information are not likely to be forgotten because it is meaningful and consciously acquired such as facts on textbook, general knowledge and your first date.

Implicit knowledge: Information that acquired through skills and habits. For example are riding bicycle and tying shoes. These type of information is hard to be explained but once it is acquired we just know how to do it.

In class, we do some activities regarding this topic. One of the activities is to remember then determine whether the statement shown is a new or old information. Most of us get it wrong because get confused with too many statement. 

Wednesday 8 May 2013


On 23rd and 25th of April, Madam Lihanna had thought us about memory. the details of Short Term Memory.

So what is Short term memory?
Short-term memory, also known as primary or active memory, is the information we are currently aware of or thinking about. In Freudian psychology, this memory would be referred to as the conscious mind. The information found in short term memory comes from paying attention to sensory memories.

What is the duration of the STM?
Most of the information kept in short-term memory will be stored for approximately 20 to 30 seconds, but it can be just seconds if rehearsal or active maintenance of the information is prevented.

The capacity of the STM
The amount of information that can be stored in short-term memory can vary. An often cited figure is plus or minus seven items, based on the results of a famous experiment on short-term memory. Psychologist George Miller suggested that people can store between five and nine items in short-term memory. More recent research suggests that people are capable of storing approximately four chunks or pieces of information in short-term memory.

We've had also do some exercises in class to test our short term memory. It was fun and it really help us understand what have head been discussed in the class.


Tuesday 30 April 2013

Maze for animal training

Hai readers! hope you all doing good and have a good day. On 20th of april 2013, our group members had gathered and we created our own maze for our little cute hamsters. We make the maze using box and we decorate it by our self. We were very happy spending our time during that time. Here we attach some pictures so that all of you can see it. Enjoy!! ^_^


Monday 29 April 2013

Condition Necessary for Effective Modelling

Assalamualaikum, Hai everyone!! It has been long time we have not update our blog. This is because, this two weeks was very busy weeks and we have a lot things to do. Alright! now, let me tell you what have we learned past two week before.. on 15th April 2013 we have learned the condition necessary for effective modelling to occur. This Experiment was suggested by Albert Bandura. There are four conditions that are necessary before someone can successfully model the behavior of someone else.

  • Attention: To imiate a behaviour accurately, this means that the person must pay attention first to the model and especially the significant aspect of the modeled behavior.
    • Modeled events = 
      • affective 
      •  complexity
      • prevalence
      • functional value
    • Obesrver characteristic=
      • sensory capacities
      • arousal level
      •  perceptual set
      • past reinforcement
  • Rentation: After paying attention, the learner must also pay remember the behavior that she or he has been observed before. The simple way to remember is by doing repeating or rehearsal. 
    • symbolic coding
    •  cognitive organization
    • symbolic rehearsal
    • motor rehearsal
  • Motor reproduction: This part is about the actual replication of the behaviour that a model has demonstrate. But, if the person can't reproduce an observed behaviour that what has been saw before..perhaps because of several condition such as physical immaturity, insufficient strength, or disabilities.
    • physical capabilities
    •  self observation of reproduction
    • accuracy of feedback
  • Motivation: This last condition is like, the learners must want to demonstrate what has been saw or learned  
    • eternal
    • vicarious
    • self-reinforcement

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Forms of Punishment.

Assalamualaikum. J
How are you readers? May all of us are in a great health and always in His blessing. First of all, I would to apologize for the delay update.  So, here I would like to share with you readers on our last week topics discussed in class. The topic discussed during April 9 was the Instrumental Conditioning. Under this topic, we will deliberate over the effective and ineffective forms of punishment.
Effective Forms of Punishment.
Verbal Reprimands is most effective punishment when it is immediate, brief and unemotional. For example, some students
Restitution and Overcorrection involve in effective form of punishment whereby learners are required to take action by correcting the consequence or effect of their misdeeds. In restitution, a misbehaving person must restore or return the environment to the same situation that it was in before the misbehavior occurred. For example, a child who makes a mess must tidy it up as what the condition was previously.
In restitution overcorrection, the punished individual must make things better than they were before the inappropriate behavior. For instance, a student who creates dirt in the canteen might be asked to clean the entire canteen as well.
The positive-practice overcorrection involves having an individual to repeat an action, but this time around to do it correctly and perhaps in an exaggerated way. For example, a student who runs dangerously to compete with their friends on who is the first to reach the canteen might be summoned to back up and then walk but perhaps at a normal pace or very slowly.

Time-Out involves placing a misbehaving individual in a dull, boring situation. The person required to be in a time-out has no opportunity for social interaction and is restricted to involve in any other activities for certain period of time. The inappropriate behavior must be stop before the person is release from the time-out situation.
In-House Suspension is similar to a time-out situation, but it lasts for one or more days rather than a few minutes. The students are placed in quite, boring room and must do on their classroom assignments and study. It is an effective effort to teach them appropriate behaviors and tutoring their studies when the teacher act as a supportive resources rather than as a punisher.
Response Cost comprises of withdrawal of a previously earned reinforce such as a person received a fine as a result of break the speed limit.

Ineffective Forms of Punishment.
There are several forms of punishment that are not recommended which are physical and psychological punishment, extra classwork, out of school suspension and missing recess.
Some people may think that physical punishment works as a means to punish misconduct. However, the use of this kind of punishment may lead to such undesirable behaviors such as resentment of the teacher, lying and hatred. Physical punishment also provides a model of aggression, thus transferring the message that aggression is acceptable behavior. It is not a good way of punishing and it exhibit bad example.

Psychological punishment includes any consequence that seriously threatens a student’s self-esteem or emotional well-being which is not recommended at all. Some of the example is verbal abuse, insult and criticism. This kind of psychological punishment may affect their expectation for future performance and their motivation to learn and achieve.
Extra classwork is considered as ineffective form of punishment because in a way, the teacher unconsciously conveys the message that school work is unpleasant.
Out of school suspension is not an effective way to change student’s behavior. Most misbehaving students are students that have difficulty with their academic work. Suspending such students will only result in a more serious problem. The students may find that removal from school is negatively reinforcing rather than punishing. They might feel better to be out of school rather than to be in school.
Missing recess is not an effective punishment for students as they can more effectively concentrate on study when they have a break from academics activities. Missing recess is not an appropriate form of punishment.
So, all the above are some of the things that I manage to share with all of you. I would like to apologize if there is any inconsistency, lacking or incorrect information here. Thank you for reading and please feel free to correct me.
p/s: Picture taken from Google images, credit to the owner.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Baseline Measure | Dakwah Project

On 4th April 2013(no class).

However, we need to sit together to do our baseline measure.
On the class time 2.00pm-3.30pm at library we had discussed and agreed on our baseline measure:

Target person / group
Our friends which are passive on healthy activities / exercise.

Target behavior
Healthy activities / exercise(to make fun and enjoyable)

Baseline measure

1st week(8/4/13-14/4/13)
Each of us will find one person that rarely doing healthy activities / exercise. For example, a person likely waste their time during the free time with playing computer game, sleeping, loitering etc.
Once find him or her, we need to invite him or her to join us in doing healthy activities or exercise during they have nothing to do. We will try to keep supporting them in term of advice and reward. Moreover, we will also prove to them that healthy activities is fun besides, it have many advantages on our lifestyle. Along this week, we will do a basic healthy activities / exercise like warm up, cold down, and jogging while enjoy the beauty of the nature. Each of us will do these activities personally with their friend.

2nd week (15/4/13-21/4/13)
In order to gain consistency, we including our gathering activities among our group member's subject once a day after the time they do their own basic healthy activities / exercise like the first week.We make a variation on healthy activities for example playing different types of sport or game (depend on the ability of subject). For example, indoor games, outdoor games, module games(running man games), aerobics, gym, traditional games(galah panjang, teng teng, tuju kasut, zero point) etc. As they have to face new game, we will also teach them a new game if they never play it before. At the end of each session we will end up with sharing moment and reflection to make our friends and us realize on the wisdom of healthy lifestyle

3rd week (22/4/13-28/4/13)
On the last week we will let our friends(subject) to manage any healthy activities that they would like to do and each day will have different activities. At the last day we will provide a gift for the best healthy activities they have done.

Plan in future
This project will be remain and will be promote to all IIUM community to join us in the future. May Allay ease our effort on this project.

Schedules of Reinforcement

Assalamua'laikum, kaifahal?

On the 2nd of April 2013, we have learn about schedules of reinforcement on operant conditioning by Skinner.There have two types reinforcement schedules:

Continuous reinforcement - the desired behavior is reinforced every single time it occurs. Generally, this schedule is best used during the initial stages of learning in order to create a strong association between the behavior and the response. Once the response if firmly attached, reinforcement is usually switched to a partial reinforcement schedule.

Partial reinforcement - In partial reinforcement, the response is reinforced only part of the time. Learned behaviors are acquired more slowly with partial reinforcement, but the response is more resistant to extinction. There are four schedules of partial reinforcement:

1.       Fixed-ratio schedules are those where a response is reinforced only after a specified number of responses. This schedule produces a high, steady rate of responding with only a brief pause after the delivery of the reinforcer. For example, production Line Work: Workers at a widget factory are paid for every 15 widgets they make. This results in a high production rate and workers tend to take few breaks. It can, however, lead to burnout and lower-quality work


2.       Variable-ratio schedules occur when a response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses. This schedule creates a high steady rate of responding. Gambling and lottery games are good examples of a reward based on a variable ratio schedule. Another example give by Madam is pop quiz. That's right madam, we keep prepared before come to your class.


3.       Fixed-interval schedules are those where the first response is rewarded only after a specified amount of time has elapsed. This schedule causes high amounts of responding near the end of the interval, but much slower responding immediately after the delivery of the reinforcer. Example like in a Lab Setting: Imagine that you are training a rat to press a lever, but you only reinforce the first response after a ten-minute interval. The rat does not press the bar much during the first 5 minutes after reinforcement, but begins to press the lever more and more often the closer you get to the ten minute mark. In real world, a weekly paycheck is a good example of a fixed-interval schedule. The employee receives reinforcement every seven days, which may result in a higher response rate as payday approaches.


4.       Variable-interval schedules occur when a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed. This schedule produces a slow, steady rate of response. madam give us an example like waiting on the bus or train that we does not know when exactly the bus will arrive. So we keep waiting even there were about one or two hour waiting at the bus stop.

 Choosing a Schedule
Deciding when to reinforce a behavior can depend upon a number of factors. In cases where you are specifically trying to teach a new behavior, a continuous schedule is often a good choice. Once the behavior has been learned, switching to a partial schedule is often preferable. Realistically, reinforcing a behavior every single time it occurs can be difficult and requires a great deal of attention and resources. Partial schedules not only tend to lead to behaviors that are more resistant to extinction, they also reduce the risk that the subject will become satiated. If the reinforcer being used is no longer desired or rewarding, the subject may stop performing the desired behavior.

At the end we got a pop quiz. Time for variable ratio schedule!


Monday 1 April 2013

A Week Before Break

Assalamualaikum W.B.T to all our beloved readers and also to our beloved instructor, Dr. Lihanna Borhan. First of all, I would like to apologize for the delay of updating this blog due to some circumstances. This post is related to what we have learned in the learning class before mid-semester break. Hopefully, this post will produce interesting input for the reader.

On the 19th March 2013, we have learned a new topic which was Instrumental Conditioning. Firstly, from what we understood, instrumental conditioning is another term for operant conditioning, which is a learning process first described by B. F. Skinner. In instrumental conditioning, reinforcement or punishment are used to either increase or decrease the probability that a behavior will occur again in the future.

By a way of example, if a student is rewarded with praise every time she raises her hand in class, she becomes more likely to raise her hand again in the future. If she is also scolded when she speaks out of turn, she becomes less likely to interrupt the class. In these examples, the teacher is using reinforcement to strengthen the hand-raising behavior and punishment to weaken the talking out of turn behavior.

The various forms that reinforcement takes place which are the primary versus secondary reinforce. The primary reinforcer satisfies a built-in, physiological need and need or desire while secondary reinforcer known as conditioned reinforce. It is a previously neutral stimulus that has become reinforcing to a learner through repeated association with another reinforcer. 

Furthermore, the reinforcement is divided into two categories, which are the positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is anything that follows a behavior that makes it more likely that the behavior will occur again in the future. One of the easiest ways to remember this is to think of something being added to the situation whereas; negative reinforcement involves strengthening a behavior through the removal of an aversive stimulus. People often confuse negative reinforcement with punishment, but the two are not the same. Remember, reinforcement is used to increase the likelihood that a behavior will reoccur, while punishment is used to decrease a behavior.

So, that’s it what we have learned during that time. In the next class, which was 21st March 2013, there was not so much to share on the reflection because at that day we already submitted our first draft of Hafazan Project and we also got the surprised from Dr. Lihanna, which was the Pop Quiz. Therefore, I hope Dr. Lihanna will be lenient in marking our paper.

Well, I think that’s it from me. I hope you are enjoyed reading this post and help you learned something new. May Allah bless us always J

Sunday 17 March 2013

Da'wah Project.

Assalamualaikum people. A new week comes with a new assignment as our beloved Madam Lihanna entrusted us to do a sort of Islamic approach to change a behaviour. So called Da'wah Project.

Here's the thing, we will set the targeted group/individual behaviour and come out with possible intervention to get their behaviour's right.The intervention could be any means based on Islamic values. Also, a pre-intervention and post-Intervention will takes into account to see the improvement over times. At the end of the day, a systematic report on  how this project being countered got to be produced to be presented. We hope it can give benefits and ideas to you in refinement towards a better behaviour, for us to live a happy life.

After several minutes of discussion among group members, we decided to do health awareness among students in IIUM.

Target behaviour: students who likely to spend their weekends by sleeping till noon.
Target group: IIUM students

The plan is to gather 10-15 students who are likely love to spend their weekends in the room. The intervention is done by exercise together and  discussion on health facts among students.

>>>>keep in touch to see the project's progress :)

Monday 11 March 2013

Classical Conditioning

Assalamualaikum. Hai our beloved readers! This post is about what we've had learned on 5th and 7th March.Our lecturer had shared her 'ilm on Classical Conditioning.

Classical Conditioning had been proposed by Ivan Pavlov which involved a dog and of course, its saliva. Pavlov identified basic components in this classical conditioning model.

Neutral Stimulus -  stimulus to which organism doesn't respond in any noticeable way.
Unconditioned Stimulus - the stimulus that naturally and instinctively elicits the target response, which, in the case of his classic experiment is the meat powder.  
Conditioned Stimulus - the stimulus that comes to elicit the target response, which was the tone in Pavlov’s experiment. 
Unconditioned and Conditioned responses - are a little trickier to identify in that they are often the exact same behavior.

Example for classical conditioning;

 A kid in the kitchen who doesn't  care there is a pan on the stove. 
His mum preheating the pan and ask him not to touch the pan.
He's being curious, and touch it.
Experiencing the burn on his palm.
The next time he see pan on the stove, he wont touch it even though its not been heated.

This classic example of classical conditioning,

After explanation from our lecturer, she ask each group to create a story which involves a basic components of classical conditioning and associative bias, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization,stimulus discrimination. So we have come out with Kamal's story. This story will be presented in class tomorrow. So for those who are not able to see us presenting in the class, you can read it here. We hope it will give some information to you what is Classical conditioning. Have fun and enjoy Kamal's story :D

By: Puteri Hazwani Nor Bakri

Kamal's Story

I'm Kamal Adli

This story is about Kamal Adli, a 12 years old boy. He is a good student and respects their parents. He is the eldest of five siblings. Each day, he will bring food cooked by his mother to school. Since before, his mother has always prepared food for him to eat during break. One day, Kamal left his food at home. So, he decided went to the canteen to buy food. Before this, he never felt excited buy the food there. 

After trying the food once, he started to like it. He sees the food being sold very tasty, smell nice, mouth start to watering and attractive. Since then,, every time he went to the canteen the smell of aroma of the food, he began to feel hungry and swallowed his saliva. After that, Kamal often went to school without bringing the food that his mother had prepared. He feels that the foods in the canteen are more appetizing and yummy. Furthermore, he notices that the aunty who cook the food at the canteen is very skillful and cook very well compared to his mother. Every time he heard the sound of the canteen or regardless the sound of the cooking t the canteen he will started to salivate. 

But days are not always bright, as one day, Kamal got food poisoning as a result of eating food prepared from the canteen. He was detained in the hospital for several days. He suffered food poisoning not only once, but quite a few times. Since then, he was determined not to eat in the canteen again. Every time he walks in the canteen, he has no desire to buy food from there anymore. When his friends invite him to go anywhere, he will bring food cooked by his mother even when they went to a restaurant.  As for him, all food that is not prepared by his mother is not safe to eat. Kamal was afraid having to suffer food poisoning again.

After completion of his primary school, he went to secondary school near his house. In the new school, the canteen is very large that there are many food choices and much more interesting than in the primary school. So, at first Kamal was tempted to try the food there, even though he brought food from home like he always do before. He suddenly feels the urge to try food prepared from the canteen. His stomach began growling and his mouth swallowing saliva. Kamal started to not carry food from home and buy food from the canteen again.

But one day, Kamal’s classmate name Amir suffered from food poisoning. Kamal began to remember the events on how he suffered food poisoning before. Since then, he completely stopped to buy food from the canteen after that even though he did not know the cause of the food poisoning suffered by his friend. He also will feel scared when every time he sees the aunty who cook at the canteen or outside the canteen. It kind of traumatic. In addition, every time he sees the canteen, he also will feel scared and after that he never going to the canteen or any restaurant.


Thursday 28 February 2013

Today's class.

Today class is about how we can memorize thing in easy way and what are the techniques that are needed. So Madam gave around 30 minutes for us to read the book which is chapter 8 & 9 before we started our activity. After finished our reading, we as a group must come out with several techniques of memorizing especially for our assessment which is to memorize suruh al-imran or an-namlu.

Therefore, we have come out with 5 techniques that we hope can help us to memorize the surah later. As you can see on the picture above, that is our techniques to memorize, which is organization  chunking ( hehe.. madam told us that organizing was wrong), maintenance rehearsal, elaborative rehearsal, intensity and visual imagery. We hope that all this techniques will also benefit all of you out there!!

Together, we discuss possible ways in memorizing Quranic verses based on concepts in Chapter 8 & 9 (Psychology of Learning textbook)  to be applied in the assessment. Wish us a best of luck :).



Yeay! we got new assessment this week!! huhuhu. Today madam gave us some of the assessment that we need to fulfill as a psychology of learning's students. We need to choose one of the surah that she gave us and memorized it. This is an individual assessment even thought we are in the group. So, good luck to us!! Hehe.. you can see, we need to do CD tasmi' and write it up in one page. The submission date will on 21th march this year. May Allah Bless all of us :D


Wednesday 20 February 2013


What is neurons??

The human body is made up of trillions of cells. Cells of the nervous system, called nerve cells or neurons,are specialized to carry messages through an electrochemical process. Human brain has approximately 100 billion neurons.

Neurons has special parts like axon, myelin sheath, dendrite, synapse, soma, and terminal button that allow them to send messages to each other. Therefore, you are able to think, feel, act and sense the world around you.

Neurons in the body play one of three important roles, which is sensory neurons carry information from receptor to cell, the interneurons will convey the message or information. The resulting “decision” are transmitted to motor neurons which is it will send the message how a person should behave or respond.

That is some of the information that we can share with you regarding the neurons. After you know the neurons and the structured, we would like to share with you about our group presentation on neurons. Hope you will like it, and enjoy it as we do. Hihihi. This is one of the activity during class hour. We described the neuron's structure using part of the body and we show to you how it communicate with each other. Have fun!!! :'D  


Lets watch our group home-made video! Enjoy ^^
