Thursday 16 May 2013

Yeah, we did it!

Assalamualaikum and I hope all of you, our faithful readers (: P) in the pink of health. Before that, I am so sorry for the delay of update.

On 2nd of May 2013, there was not so much to share upon the reflection because on that day we were just doing some activity in class. That activity was related to what we had learned in the previous class chapter which was long term memory. This activity also known as Old McDonald.  Instead of picture, Madam changes it to the words.

Then, Madam asks us to sits in the group and at first, we played with our group member. Then, we need to reflect the strategies that we had used with the principles of memory. Later, each group needs a representative to compete and in the semi finals consists of 4 groups each sided and the winner from that will met at final round.

As for my group, we decided to send our groups leader (Taufieq) as a representative. Fortunately, he managed to win on the semi finals and also on the final round. Let’s give a round of applause to him. Congratulations. We had so much fun. Thank you so much Madam Lihanna for make the day. Here, I will attach some pictures.

Final round between rep. from Set and Smarties :)

There you go! Our hero :)

In the end of class session, we had submitted our da’wah project. Everything goes smoothly as planned. So yeah, we did it. Finally, I think that’s all from me. I hope you will enjoy reading this post. 

May Allah grant His blessing to all of us. Salam. 

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