Saturday 18 May 2013

Long-term memory: Retrieval Cues and Forgetting

Assalamualaikum. Dear reader, how's your day? we hope that you will be in healthy and good condition. Okay, let's move to our discussion. On 14th of May we learned about retrieval cues. Do you know what is retrieval cues? if you do not know, lets continue this reading. InsyaAllah you will get something beneficial today.

Retrieval Cues is an information that helps us to recall memories. Retrieval information from long-term memory are easy and automatic. Retrieval of information is also easier when someone engage his her thought processes similar to those they previously used when they storing the information. This is known as an encoding specificity.

There are several hints for us to find out the information.

  1. Identify cues: Means that, the information that has been given was identical to the information that you were trying to retrieve.
  2. Associative cues: This cues are related to the word that you were searching for; as such they should direct you search for the relevant part of your long-term memory.
  3. Frame/organizational structured: This is a systematically guides the search of long-term memory.
  4. Contextual cues: Usually, people will used the context during the learning process to recall back the information

Forgetting refer to the inability to retrieve previously stored information. There are forgetting curve in forgetting which means that more than half of the memory will loss that occurs within the first hours after learning. This has shown that if we did not do any rehearsal after we learned something, it is not possible that the information will lost some day.

Theories of forgetting. forgetting may occur because the right retrieval cue or prompt is not used, there is also interference from competing the materials, there is some underlying motivation not to remember and memory fades through discuss over time.

Causes of forgetting:

  1. Retrieval failure cues
  2. Interference theory
  3. Proactive interference
  4. Motivated forgetting
  5. Preseudo forgetting
  6. Organic amnesia

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