Tuesday 9 April 2013

Baseline Measure | Dakwah Project

On 4th April 2013(no class).

However, we need to sit together to do our baseline measure.
On the class time 2.00pm-3.30pm at library we had discussed and agreed on our baseline measure:

Target person / group
Our friends which are passive on healthy activities / exercise.

Target behavior
Healthy activities / exercise(to make fun and enjoyable)

Baseline measure

1st week(8/4/13-14/4/13)
Each of us will find one person that rarely doing healthy activities / exercise. For example, a person likely waste their time during the free time with playing computer game, sleeping, loitering etc.
Once find him or her, we need to invite him or her to join us in doing healthy activities or exercise during they have nothing to do. We will try to keep supporting them in term of advice and reward. Moreover, we will also prove to them that healthy activities is fun besides, it have many advantages on our lifestyle. Along this week, we will do a basic healthy activities / exercise like warm up, cold down, and jogging while enjoy the beauty of the nature. Each of us will do these activities personally with their friend.

2nd week (15/4/13-21/4/13)
In order to gain consistency, we including our gathering activities among our group member's subject once a day after the time they do their own basic healthy activities / exercise like the first week.We make a variation on healthy activities for example playing different types of sport or game (depend on the ability of subject). For example, indoor games, outdoor games, module games(running man games), aerobics, gym, traditional games(galah panjang, teng teng, tuju kasut, zero point) etc. As they have to face new game, we will also teach them a new game if they never play it before. At the end of each session we will end up with sharing moment and reflection to make our friends and us realize on the wisdom of healthy lifestyle

3rd week (22/4/13-28/4/13)
On the last week we will let our friends(subject) to manage any healthy activities that they would like to do and each day will have different activities. At the last day we will provide a gift for the best healthy activities they have done.

Plan in future
This project will be remain and will be promote to all IIUM community to join us in the future. May Allay ease our effort on this project.

1 comment:

  1. okay. have you decided whether your measure is time spent on the activity or frequency of activity done?
