Monday 11 March 2013

Classical Conditioning

Assalamualaikum. Hai our beloved readers! This post is about what we've had learned on 5th and 7th March.Our lecturer had shared her 'ilm on Classical Conditioning.

Classical Conditioning had been proposed by Ivan Pavlov which involved a dog and of course, its saliva. Pavlov identified basic components in this classical conditioning model.

Neutral Stimulus -  stimulus to which organism doesn't respond in any noticeable way.
Unconditioned Stimulus - the stimulus that naturally and instinctively elicits the target response, which, in the case of his classic experiment is the meat powder.  
Conditioned Stimulus - the stimulus that comes to elicit the target response, which was the tone in Pavlov’s experiment. 
Unconditioned and Conditioned responses - are a little trickier to identify in that they are often the exact same behavior.

Example for classical conditioning;

 A kid in the kitchen who doesn't  care there is a pan on the stove. 
His mum preheating the pan and ask him not to touch the pan.
He's being curious, and touch it.
Experiencing the burn on his palm.
The next time he see pan on the stove, he wont touch it even though its not been heated.

This classic example of classical conditioning,

After explanation from our lecturer, she ask each group to create a story which involves a basic components of classical conditioning and associative bias, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization,stimulus discrimination. So we have come out with Kamal's story. This story will be presented in class tomorrow. So for those who are not able to see us presenting in the class, you can read it here. We hope it will give some information to you what is Classical conditioning. Have fun and enjoy Kamal's story :D

By: Puteri Hazwani Nor Bakri

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